Man power is committed to provide quality services and guarantee client satisfaction.
Welcome To
ManPower & Services
Manpower and services, Lda is an engineering company, founded in 2018 in Tete.
The company was created with the purpose to meet the challenges imposed by the industrial sectors in Mozambique.
Man power is committed to provide manpower, services and supply of material and equipment as per client.
Our Core Value
Innovation and research;
Plurality: acceptance of views and different ways of approaching the real, the coexistence between opposites and dialogue as an exercise of criticism;
Continuous Improvement;
To be a leader in providing quality and sustaining engineering services, supply chain and manpower training for specialized maintenance.
Our mission is to provide specialized maintenance services and project management, short term training, HSE training with the best quality.
Provision of industrial maintenance services; Design of engineering projects and drawings; Materials and equipment Supply; Short-term training for industrial field;Provision of skilled labor for industry;
Our Latest Products
Product 1
Product 2
50.00MTProduct 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 6
We Love To Hear From You
Please call or email contact form and we will be happy to assist you.

National Road N 7, Bairro Chingozi, Cidade de Tete
Tel. +258 84 4837582